Hi-Mecha Corporation is actively involved in social contribution activities.
In addition to providing students with opportunities to experience the real world, we also provide we focus on revitalizing the community and nurturing boys and girls through sports support and other activities.
Acceptance of company tours
We actively accept company tours, mainly from local high school and university students, in order to promote their interest in manufacturing. By directly observing the manufacturing site, the tour program allows visitors to experience the fascination of manufacturing by seeing up close how the parts used in familiar smartphones and other devices are made. We have also received a great deal of interest in our internal human resource development efforts.

The internship program is designed to create opportunities for students to learn a solid sense of career and the mindset of a corporate worker through interaction with working people.
Every year, we accept several students from universities, junior colleges, and high schools for internships, hoping that they will develop an interest in work and think about their future while actually working. We also have a track record of accepting and supporting international students from abroad enrolled at Yamagata University for several years.
Support for the Kubota Soccer Sports Boys Club

We have been conducting support activities since the inception of the local youth soccer team, and people with soccer experience are still participating as coaches.
We also support the East Japan Soccer Festival in Yonezawa as a sponsor, helping to raise the level of soccer in the Yonezawa area.
Support for the Yonezawa Women's Kendo Tournament

We have been fully supporting the Yonezawa Women's Kendo Tournament (Imai Cup) since its inception, and this year marks the 31st time we have held the tournament.
We will continue our support for the sound development of young people through kendo.
Rental of multi-purpose ground

We have We have a multi-purpose field where we can play futsal and tennis.We also have a futsal club and a tennis club, and we open up the space for use by our employees, their families, the Kubota Soccer Sports Club I mentioned earlier, and other members of the community.
Incorporated Association Supporting Member, Yamagata Prefecture Sports Promotion 21st Century Association
The Yamagata Sports Promotion 21st Century Association, which is the mainstay of the management of Montedio Yamagata, is an organization that carries out various sports promotion projects. It is the wish of all the people of Yamagata Prefecture that Montedio Yamagata, the only professional soccer team in Yamagata Prefecture, will return to J1.
As a local company, Hi-Mecha Corporation supports Montedio Yamagata.
JALSA Yamagata(Japan ALS Association Yamagata Branch)Support Activities
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a type of motor neuron disease.It is a nationally designated intractable disease that causes the muscles of the whole body to gradually stop moving. A few years ago, the "Ice Basket Challenge," aimed at helping patients, became a hot topic on the Internet. Hi-Mecha Inc. has been supporting ALS patients and their families for many years.
Efforts to achieve the SDGs
Our company is also taking steps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), starting with what we can do now. Based on our efforts to reduce the burden on the environment fostered by our ISO 14001 (environmental management) initiatives, we have begun installing solar power panels on the roof of Building No. 4, which is scheduled for completion in June 2022.
Blood donation drive
We conduct blood donation activities every year as part of our social contribution activities.
In recognition of our social contribution through blood donation activities over the years, Yamagata Prefecture awarded us a "Letter of Appreciation from the Minister of Labor" as a company that made contributions in 2021.